Friday, December 25, 2009

We wish you a merry christmas

Well another successful and wonderful christmas under our belts.
Belts unbuckled and bellies filled with food, love, laughter and joy.
It's all I ever need to keep me strong and healthy.
Thank you to all that we're there to share with me, helping and making me feel wonderful and loved.
And for the ones I couldn't sit beside, share a laugh with and give them a hug..
You were DEFINITELY there in my thoughts and always in my heart.
Cheers and Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

time warping the toilet flume.

I love this show called Time Warp. They film a variety of things at super high speed, so that it can be watched back in ultra slow motion. Tonight, it was on germs. One in particular the toilet flume.
Every time you flush the toilet, the suction and rotating movement of the water/pee/poop, whatever, going down creates a kick back, an aerosolized spray that is invisible containing about 750,000 germs and your what not, that land everywhere in your bathroom.
If you are ever at my place, please close the lid before you flush.
If you ever get a chance check out this show, it's pretty interesting. You may even learn something.
Time Warp on the Discovery Channel
Video of what happens when you flush click here

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

What Storm Troopers do on a day off....

Okay last thing for today. I thought this was well done, hilarious and clever.... mostly just pretty funny. The photos are very well shot. anyways want to check out more? Go here What Storm Troopers do on a day off

post secret

Everyone's got a secret...

You may find the brave voices captured in this short five minute film haunting, shocking and humorous. In some of their faces you'll see joy, anguish and grace as they trust you with their confession.

PostSecret: Confessions on Life, Death and God from Frank Warren on Vimeo.

Street Art: Joshua Allen Harris

the work of street artist Joshua Allen Harris. exploring artistic possibilities using the subway exhaust. Using only tape and garbage bags, Harris creates giant inflatable animals that become animated when fastened to a sidewalk grate. Check out the video..

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

some religions and there of...

i want to believe
but what to believe
what is true.
is truth in the mind of the beholder
is what i see my truth?
and what i see through my eyes, are different to you
red may be green
and green may be blue
it's like they say..
if a tree falls in the woods and no one is around..
does it make a sound?
so really, what we're asking?
does it exist if it can't be seen or heard?

perhaps you are, what i've built of you and think who you are.
a reflection of just what i need you to be.....

My friend and i were hiking the other day and we saw a huge tree that had fallen down. I wondered how loud it must of sounded. Which then posed the infamous question, if a tree falls in the woods with no one around, does it make a sound?
Following that our conversation led to a variety of things, relating to the idea of possibilities of what really exists and what we make true for ourselves. Maybe nothing exists at all until it's seen, felt or happens. Perhaps there is nothing, blackness around the corner, until you get there. Anyways, there were some good interesting aspects of ideas we came up with and there were also ridiculous jackass comments as well. It was a good conversation. Funnily enough, he, my friend, a day later had pretty much the same conversation with a friend of his that believes in a religion that follows a lot of these ideas.. well, without our jackass ideas of comments, and maybe a little more intense... But, yeah, apparently there is a religion called Choices and it's all about, you, me, this.. doesn't really exist, we are just an idea, a thought part of one whole. One whole giant "brain".. or something like that. My friend wasn't very good at explaining the religion. Anyways. strange.


Sunday, December 6, 2009


Sun. sun. sun.
but DAMN it's cold!
4'C is cold right?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

mmmm brain stew.

my brain is stirring.
brewing up a stew.
sometimes don't you ever feel like you're not sure if other people are fucking crazy...
or if it's just you.
all you and your crazy fucked up head...
or is it them, fucking with your head?
I don't know what to believe anymore.
I don't want to believe what may be obvious..
but then again, the last time i checked, i don't live at Melrose's Place.
Oh stupid brain, you think too much.
everything is cryptic

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Rain rain and more rain.....

Last year, at this same time I think I commented that I was living in a snow globe.
This year, I am living in a rain...globe?
It's just so heavy.
It reminds me of an Ontario rain... sort of.

Purple Rain - Prince

Monday, November 23, 2009

It's christmas season again and all I want are some Schwetty balls.

Yeah. You know what I'm talking about and if you don't, watch this old snl skit with Molly shannon and Alec Baldwin.

Click here to watch video
or if it doesn't work click here. Pete Schwetty

rain rain rain.............

Well, i guess i do live in Vancouver.
And who doesn't love a little barry manilow, and I'm not talking about Copa Cobana.

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head - Barry Manilow

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Built to Still | Commodore Van. Nov18th 2thousand9

Disco Doom a band from switzerland I believe, they were an opening band for Built to Spill... A shy presence on stage, but man do they know how to rock it!
At first they were having some problems with the sounds. i thought to myself that the levels were totally off, but they seem like they could be a really good band, if maybe they had a good sound tech and fix the distortion that was happening. the bass levels were way too high and there was a strange buzz that was also going on. Well, thankfully they noticed, because they paused after the second song and apologized to the audience, while they figured it out. AAANnnd then! suddenly, they were SO good! So much better. It was amazing! Their songs had lots of built up and good changes! They were pretty tight and had some good charged up energy going. I am definitely going to check them out.

So Now Built to spill is up....YAY!!
And I say, they are the most fantastic band to ever see live! I have seen these guys probably six times and their shows are remarkable. The dynamic of these musicians is phenomenal. They are truly amazing. It fucking blows my mind! I love their music and albums, but hearing them live is such a different experience. They are a band that constantly surprise me! Every every time!
They play familiar songs from their albums, but they play them differently each show. It's sometimes subtle, like skipping a beat (which i think is clever) or accenting on a different note or word. It keeps you on track and is quite brilliant. It's like they trick you and see if your listening and paying attention. Very very genuis!!!
I think it shows how good of a musician and performer you are when you can give your audience the feeling of an original experience. To play something that we all know and hear on the albums, and to switch it up. It's very creative and impressive. If I wanted to listen to their album and sing along verbatim, well, i could just be sitting at home. I guess what I'm trying to say is that they don't do this and this is why I appreciate and thoroughly enjoy what they do.
The first time I saw them live, I thought THREE guitarists and a bassist, and drums....THREEEEE guitarists!? It' going to be too much, too loud and muddled. Aww but no. Not in anyway. These three guitarists, have three different styles, but they meld together so well! It's wonderful!! The layers created in the music fucking rattles my brain! Each guitarists had their turn in having a solo, and watching each one... AAhh fucking amazing!
I can't believe the talent in this one room! The complexity and variety of music they play makes me laugh at how witty and intriguing they are. It makes me want to scream out how brilliant they individually are, smile and scream and dance!! And that I did! Now that is a good show!

Built to Spill, you are one of my top bands of all time to see live. I can't wait until next time!
And Brett NeTson, you blow my fucking mind! Great guitarist!

So that is it for my stint of concerts for a little while. Until something pops up. Next concert... City and COLOUR!!! Yeah! ... But not until February.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009

the change of a new coming

I've said it once before and I have to say it again....

it's funny how quickly things can change..
your whole life can change
plans change
time can change
leaves change
feelings can change
your clothes change
spare some change?

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hi guys, if you every get a chance or have time on your hands and would like to look at some great photos... JPEG is this amazing and inspiring photography community.

You can check me out at


dinosaur jr | Commodore Vancouver Nov10

This band is my friends all time favourite band.
I don't even know how many times she has seen them, but the first time, she was eighteen and she's now 35... so you can do the math.
I've seen them now, three times, because of her.
And a great show every time.
J Mascis is a fucking fantastic white wizard on the guitar.
Watching him roll his fingers up and down the guitar neck like nothing is incredible.
And the drummer, shit, super fast.
My arms would have fallen off two seconds into their songs.
If you ever get a chance, i recommend checking them out, but bring your earplugs!

Favourite song of the night : Feel the Pain

Feel The Pain [2007 Remastered LP Version] - Dinosaur Jr.

Monday, November 9, 2009


how do you convince yourself that when someone doesn't love you the same or as much as you love them, that maybe, they aren't the one for you?
when you feel something that is so strong and deep, that it hurts a little bit
a good and bad pain
A feeling that's so strong and that you can't shake, you know's its a real feeling, because it feels very real.
but what does it all mean?
when everything else goes against the grain.
what do you do when your mind and your heart conflict?
When your head says one thing, but your heart and all the feelings within you do something different.
What do you do.
the constant battle between yourself, your heart, your mind and your being.?
how do we let go and move on?
how do we fight our demons and look past the ugly feelings that want to bring us down?
no one wants to be alone.
but no one really wants to really settle either.
I hope to be true to myself.
god I hope, if i'm going to be true to at least one person i know.
may it be myself
ahhh, but usually it shall be the first one that I try to fool
but i try to be true
and i hope that you do too.

Against The Grain - City And Colour

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Metric | Orpheum Vancouver Nov3rd09

Last night I went to the Metric show at the Orpheum.
First off can we say what a beautiful venue.
When you first walk in there's red carpet on the stairs
and stairs that lead everywhere
You feel as though you are in one of those MC Escher drawings.
Then when you get inside the House Orchestra.
It's amazing.
Tall high ceilings, columns, a mural on the domed ceiling, the lighting gives a sense of warmth in the room.
And the sound in this theatre.
I think it's the best in town.
This concert was rocking and loud but clean and vibrant!
I felt every bit of it.
These guys are great musicians.
And KicK ass performers.
Each of them are pretty amazing and strong in what they do.
I enjoyed watching all of them express they're talents.
I really enjoyed how they were changing up the songs, as to how they are on the album.
I loved the inspiring, intense, exciting energy.
I thought that all the abstract noises in their music were a subtle but cleaver addition and super cool.
I Loved the Theremin aspect. (i actually got to meet the band after, and the whole time i didn't know what I was going to say, and then when i got up there I complemented on the theremin idea. And we ending up talking about that. Emily and I were talking about the documentary on the Theremin. She had seen it, and I was excited, because I had too....super cool Documentary, check it out if you can. Theremin: An Electronic Odyssey - it's about the history and creator of the theremin)
And well Emily... She rocks my socks.
I don't think i know anyone that is cooler. That is, if i knew her...
Well, I think she is way cool.
The kick off to the show was Twilight Galaxy, which is now my new favourite song.
The drums are like a heartbeat.
It's mellow on the album. But at the show they ended the song with an explosion that got my heart racing.
I'll post a video of the song from the concert. It wasn't from our show, but from the one in Montreal, but it was very close to how our was.
I love these guys!
And i'm proud that they are a Canadian band!!
Metric, you guys rock!

A note from Metric's blog click here

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Don't you find this word can define it's self
It's autological... sort of.
Once some one says shenanigans, you've already got an idea of what maybe crazy things that did or didn't happen.
there's just usually a longer version to the story.
Ah any hoo..

Thursday, October 29, 2009

U2 Vancouver BC October 2thousand9

You and me.
and 60 thousand people .
Under one roof.

What to say. I'm not a huge huge fan. I don't know any of the new music, but loved a lot of the older stuff. And let me tell you this experience was unreal and powerful. I don't even know how to explain the energy in this room that night. The energy of 60 thousand people.
A small city, feeling the same thing at the same time.
Nut bar.

At the time i had some many thoughts of what i wanted to say to explain what i was thinking of this whole night, and it came to me like a brilliant rush and now it's gone, and feels like a dream.

I was astounded that a group of musicians could create such a powerful feeling through so many people like this. To have them captivated and singing every word.
It was a cool and creepy feeling at the same time.

The one song that i was hoping and waiting for all night... was "Where the streets have no name".. that was my pick....and it was great. It started out with Bono singing amazing grace that melded into Where the streets. The build up at the beginning of that song always gets me. Starts out quiet and slow and then ...drums.... " i want to run... I want to hide.."
Ahh good stuff.

So, an amazing experience that I'm glad I got to have.
Thank you Jaime for bring me along on your trip.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fright Nights at the PNE

I'm mostly there only for the wooden roller coaster and mini donuts and mouse trap if it's there... and HELLAVATOR!!!
Spinnie rides will kill me. I think it was the most frightening!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Grinch at Halloween!!

Recently a friend had shown me this, and well, gee whiz, i never knew! The Grinch special at halloween!
I enjoyed the imagery about 4 minutes in the part three, most.

Part one

Part two

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Morning theme song | October 2oth 2thousand9

Like i've said i don't know where these songs come from, but almost every morning i wake up with a song. And today it's this one. Now i've never even watched this show when it was go figure that one

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Jack White and Loretta Lynn

Shit man!
This is super cool.
Jack white and Loretta Lynn... Who Knew?!
Jack white... i'm getting a more and more appreciation to your talents.
Check out this album "Van lear Rose" and this video "Portland, Oregon"

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Words are powerful.
But ACTION is louder than words, friends.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Morning theme song | October 2nd 2thousand9

heheheheheh ahaha. Skid Row.
This is my flippin morning song in my head that i woke up with. Why skid row? why? hahaha

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

it's funny how quickly things can change
plans change
your mind change
your clothes change
spare some change?

sometimes really it's all a facade in this room full of smoke and mirrors
it looks different
it seems different
but it feels just the same
maybe in the end it is all the same
and that's just it

Monday, September 28, 2009

smoke screens and illusions........

I guess what i've learned today is that...

Reality lies in the eye of the believer.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Holy fuck!

Holy Fuck at The Venue, Vancouver Sept 24th, 2thousand9

Shiat man! Great, amazing show!
Toronto band.
Electronic, two keyboards, a drummer and a bass.
Sex for my ears!
Super intense, with a great build up and then POW!
My heart was racing and my feet were jumping and kicking!
I could have danced and screamed all night!
shit bitch!
I love dancing!

here's a small piece of the show last night, unfortunately it cuts out before the good stuff..
These guys are definitely something you should see live anyhow to get the full effect and intensity.
Check them out.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

to you..

an ode to tony...
how do i love thee
let us count the many ways..
you are a fun and an interesting man
full of many wonderful interests and talents and knowledge of intriguing things
you are one of my best friends
you always make me feel loved and wonderful
i appreciate you
and i am very grateful that we had met
it was kismet for us to meet
canadian tire/perth/jodi connection...
i can't wait to see you again
whenever that may be.
we will sit and laugh over a pint
and maybe talk about music
I may even help you hide the dead body........
I love you very much
Wanting things you can't have..
thinking things that you shouldn't..
having great and wonderful things around you and not even realizing it.
... why is it that way?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fill my ears

wowie, it's been a while since i've been here in blogo land....

it's funny how your life can change so quickly sometimes....just a thought

a good friend is leaving me once again and it makes me feel sad and i'm going to miss her so much.
but on a promising note i have many exciting things and distractions coming up my way....
hopefully a wonderful friend will come visit. do a little fly by.... huh huh mr tony.
another good friend is coming home after an adventure of living in the yukon for a year.
another friend that i love greatly and dearly is coming for a visit with her little one in november.
AND... concerts!!!!

September 25th - Holy Fuck at the Venue
October 7th - elliott brood at the Biltmore
October 25th - Shonen Knife (some crazy japanese band that a good friend likes... should be fun)
October 28th - U2 360 tour ( a friend won these at a roller derby!)
November 3rd - Metric at the Orpheum (Yay!! love love these guys, one of my most favourite bands!)
November 10th - Dinosaur jr at the commodore ballroom (my friends most favourite band and shit they're LOUD)
November 18th - Built to spill ( another of my fav bands! F'ing good live band)

.... and that's about it... for now. Super excited!
Couple weeks ago also saw Silversun pickups at the Commodore. Great show!
stay tune for reviews!
and always wear your ear plugs kids, if you want to continue to hear great music until you're old...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

har har

sometimes your mind and your soul plays funny tricks
that are sometimes not so funny.
it's okay though
I'm still laughing

Thursday, July 30, 2009

left right left right

What a funny warm thing.

Tetris rocks.
good ole nintendo has come back to me!

Monday, July 27, 2009

she's electric

Vancouver webcam fave, KatKam was pointed right into the heart of the sunset and caught these shots.

Even though i grew up in Ontario and have seen a many of lightning storms.
I remember being a kid and when ever there was a big rain storm with thunder and lightning, i would go up to my room and lie on my bed, right beside the window and watch it for hours.
Here in Vancouver, we don't get many storms.
so, when one occurs it somehow seems much cooler.
just like my snow in vancouver.
well, here's a few clips and photos that other people have posted on our electrical storm saturday night.

Monday, July 20, 2009

if i'm in luck....... oh baby

i was trying to find some live footage of betty davis raunching out to this funky ole tune, but couldn't.
But i just had to share this song.
totally awesome.

Monday, July 13, 2009

uh huh. do tell. I'm listening......

Science, Religion, Politics....
What we believe
What we feel
This society
It's all one and the same
is it not?
So why do you have to get so hostile, if i don't believe the same as you?
I thought we were having an intelligent conversation and i was just sharing my thoughts...
Maybe that's the difference.
you're either thinking in or out of the box...
...or maybe not.

It's a mad mad world, i believe.

Science, Religion, Politics....
What we believe
What we feel
This society

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ayden Gallery

There's this great gallery that i love to check out every time I go to the movies in Tinsletown. A great little place that always have new and interesting artists.
Go there.
Get out there and check it out.
You may be amazed, or at least see something cool and interesting and hopefully get inspired to be creative.
Do you feel it?

Ayden Gallery

some artists...


mandy tsung

Thursday, July 2, 2009


This is just too intriguingly, gruesumely and shamelessly funny.
Click on the link and see.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

so they say..

They say if you love some one, set them free, and if the love is strong and true, they will come back to you.
...or something like this such.
I say,
hold on for dear life.
because life can throw curve balls and sand storms
and no matter how hard and true you want it to be a certain way
you just can't seem to find your way back.
because tomorrow is a different day
and you know and i know that we don't know what this day holds for us
unless we are gypsies and future tellers...
so please enjoy it while you have it
hold on for dear life.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

white noise

the quietness of it all.
to sit and listen to nothing
to try to hear what can't be heard
listen to the things around you that you usually try to ignore
it's quite interesting when you realize what's really there...

Friday, June 5, 2009

you don't say, hey?

I feel tired but I don't want to sleep.
I feel hungry, but I don't want to eat.
I am floating along and I think I may be going out of my mind.
I feel fine, but I don't.
I don't even know anymore.
I think I'm good, but maybe I'm not.
How do you really know?
How do you know?
I'm looking and thinking and seeing nothing.
I'm a fool in a room full of mirrors.
It eventually all catches up with you before you know.
So you think you are so joe cool?
Maybe not so cool after all, when you lose it all.

I feel tired but I don't want to sleep.
I feel hungry, but I don't want to eat.
I am floating here and nobody notices.
It's fine.
It's all fine.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

well hello

Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows
Everything thats wonderful is sure to come your way
When you're in love to stay.
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows
Everything that's wonderful is what I feel
When we're together.
Brighter than a lucky penny.
When you're near the rain goes, disappears
Dear and I feel so fine.
Just to know that you are mine.
My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows
Thats how this refrain goes.
So come on, join in. Everybody.
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows
Everything thats wonderful is sure to come your way
Cause you're in love, you're in love
And love is here to stay!

Sunshine, Lollipops And Rainbows - Lesley Gore

Monday, May 18, 2009

on the inside.

making music is like magic.
i truly believe it is.
the creativity, the way it makes your mind work with your feelings and your instrument.
God i just realized how gay that sounded.
but seriously.
creating music is like magic.
I like how it makes me feel.
even the bad stuff.
man, i've got to stop

Saturday, May 9, 2009

please pass the peas...

Sometimes life has a funny and unexpected way of letting you know how fortunate you are for having all that you do.
maybe it's not as obscure as i think, but it's nice when you realize it.
maybe it's just all about taking the time to sit and realize you have it.
I am thankful of all the things i have.
The love in my life, my friends, family, my friends that are family, the ones that care and think of you, the pets that love me, the creative and hiliarious fun to be had, the smart and ingenious conversations with others, learning something new, making music out of passion and magic and being that person you strive to be proud of...
now i'm sure there is more that could be added to this list.
But presently, this is what i'm thinking....
here and right now.
thank you.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I want to blog, but I don't know what I have to say.
I recently went to the AGO.
You must go. It was definitely something worth to see.
Do it! And DO it now!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

sleeping in tuesday morning

today is my day off and this is my day to sleep in
but i can't
i lye there listening to all the sounds of the morning rituals of others.
everyone in my building getting ready for work,
the showers going, the clanging and banging of things, the smell of coffee lingering through the halls and seeping through my door.
my cat is now hungry.
meeeeoooow... merow. merooooww.....
i feed him and open my window to let him out and immediately crawl back into bed.
if i do it quick enough I can pretend i never got out of my warm nestle.
I'm sleeping in dammit.
but i continue to lye there
and now there's a whole world of happenings to be heard of the outdoors.
the rattling of a rickitty shopping cart being wheeled down the street. a bottle collector, that either gets up really early to scope those garbage bins or has been walking the streets all night.
The birds begin to chirp. singing their morning song.
Conversations of people walking by, getting into their cars..
here comes the garbage truck.
Beep beep beep beep......
ah screw it, time to get up.
now it's stone dead quite.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Talk derby to me.

Craziness. Roller derby, who knew?! I went to my first roller derby last night. Good rolling fun! And man it was packed. I only thing i knew about roller derby before last night, is what i saw on a episode on Happy days. But apparently, it's making a come back. Roller derby, wrestling and dodge ball.... ?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

dream a little dream...

i keep having dreams of little things.
little tiny toys that i drive around and use for transportation.
I had a dream the other morning that i was driving a remote control car. I was still the same size, but i perched myself on top some how and drove it around, to get to where i was going.
This morning i had a dream i was riding a little bike. I barely fit on it. I remember feeling really low on it, like I was on a big wheel,(remember those?) but i also remember my knees feeling like they were a little crunched up.
Ahhh but i was having the time of my life.
The wind in my hair, cruising down the street....
good times
good times

Sunday, March 15, 2009

i've found my thrill, on blueberry hill

......sometimes that's what's life is all about.
you've got to put yourself out there.
try new things, go out to different places and talk to different people.
you'd be surprised.
maybe you will learn something new.
who can argue with that?
learning something new, is always cool.
sometimes fun
sometimes funny.....
i love to laugh

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Frostys' and fries

Do you ever wonder why people have to suck so much?
sometimes i think, is it really them or is it me?
maybe i suck.
maybe i do and maybe i don't.
i think i need to start revaluating some things in my life.
hmmm but where to start....
All I know, right now, is that all i want to do is spend time with my dog and play music, and play it well.
.. oh and eat wendy's frostys with fries.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

white on rice

You ever wonder why there are some things that you just never heard people say they are allergic to.

it's a strange thing.
i think I've heard a dozen times that someone is allergic to cats, or wheat, or tomatoes, or apples, or nuts, well you get the drift.
But how come you never hear someone say... "oh no thank you. I'm allergic to watermelon" or "i'm allergic to rice. I've never heard anyone ever say that they are allergic to rice.
Do you think that there are some things out there that people just don't get allergic to?
And specific things that are more common to be allergic to.
And so what makes those items more common to be allergic?
Crazy. I just don't know... ooh, perhaps I should research this a little more.
Like the pineapple and see what I learn.
I will be back with the progress of my findings.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


People are a funny thing
You really meet some doozies along the way,
on this crazy ride called life.
Some are great keepers
and others....
They reap and reap until there is nothing left but bones.
They eat off all the luscious plants, but never give water to grow
They push and test and challenge ones patience, until you're left standing at the edge of a cliff,
and you just want to jump just so that you can get away from them.
They don't say please, and maybe you get a thankyou but it seems false.
Everything seems false, because it's what they do, so that
They can get what They want.
You see it's all about them
It's always all about them
well. anyways.

People are strange - Echo & the Bunnymen

Doe rai me fah so... la. Tee....

Playing music is a funny thing.
Finding your groove with others and just going for it.
Giving it your all out, with no regrets or reservations.
The excitement of feeling it and thinking DAMN, that sounded AAllllright!
Oh Yyeah.
you've got to feel it baby
you've got to feel it.
it's like a hot beef sundae..?!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

This is why you die of a heart attack...

There is just something seriously, seriously wrong with these crazy concoctions. No wonder, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the states. I came across this website This is why you're fat and I could NOT stop looking at it. It was looking at a train wreck.
Eventually it was making me feel so sick, i felt just couldn't look anymore......but i kept looking anyways.
Like i said, it was like looking at a train wreck!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

if you set if will come back..........

Sometimes it's all about letting it go.
choosing your battles in what is really important to you or what is really not worth eating up your energy.
sometimes challenges are thrown at me and it makes me wonder, how should i handle this.
quite often i face the challenge of standing up, speaking how i think or feel.
that crazy old confrontation.
I understand that if someone does something to make you feel bad, you should let them know.
but really, what does that do?
It could make them feel bad, maybe i was just being hyper sensitive, perhaps i was having a bad day, maybe they were having a bad day... who knows.
and does it really make them a bad and horrible person.
in all sincerity....
i think, no.

I'm not here to point out peoples flaws, because it's something i feel they should change or be aware of.
If they don't know it, well they have to figure it out all on their own.
that's this funny thing called life and the paths we walk for ourselves.
we all have flaws.
i don't want to change anyone.
they should be who they are.
just like, i am who i am.
maybe i should speak my mind more, and stand up and learn how to deal with confrontation.
who knows.
But maybe, it's just not in me.
as hard it is to do that for me, isn't it just as hard for some people to just let it go?
i don't know.
we've all got to choose our battles and where and what is worth expending our energy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This is written by a friend.
I liked it and thought that i would post it to share.

Many years later,
the man telling you this story
was out walking on a cold winter night, thinking:
I just have to close my eyes to go back through in life and
now I am beginning to see that little boy again.
I may be a strange man, but if there is at least
another strange person like me
in every town and city of the world,
then there are a lot of strange people on this earth.
This was a paradox of life that made everybody
strange in some way and every normal person
strange in another way.
When he returned home he found a note at his desk:
The meaning of music, of art, of entertainment
is to stop the time.... just for awhile,
so we all can go on living our own lives.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Moon me

the moon is a funny thing.
this big bright pie in the sky.
when its full it can do crazy things to people.
the magnetic pull it embodies, creates waves, ebbs and tides in our waters.
for some women, it runs the same cycles.
ah this crazy moon of ours in this crazy ole world we live in.......

Friday, January 30, 2009



I say why? why do people have so much disrespect? They are self absorbed little whores and it's starting to fucking piss me off. you can try to be the nicest, giving person in the world and apparently, it doesn't come back, people will use and abuse you for their own benefits and that's pretty much how the world works and it's a bloody shame.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

dreaming of apache indians?

My dream this morning... or the last one i remember anyways, when i woke up, revolved around the word cochise. I was having a huge conversation about it, i was spelling it (in the dream)... so when i woke up and thought wtf, I'm googling this crazy random word.
As it turns out according to Wikipedia - Cochise was one of the most famous Apache leaders (along with Geronimo) to resist intrusions by Americans during the 19th century.

Crazy. why would i know this name? Did i know that he was a famous Apache leader? Did i see it somewhere? Learn it from somewhere in a book, a movie, in school and subconsciously held on to this little piece of information? Was Cochise trying to sending me a message in my dreams? (haha...that one was a joke)

Then it dawned on me. cochise is an Audioslave song.
Less exciting as Cochise trying to send me messages in my subconscious.
Well, who knows, maybe chris cornell is really singing about the great Apache leader from the 19th century!

Cochise - Audioslave

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

skip skip, skip to my loo

occasionally i like to skip stones.
the past couple times i've been down to the beach,
the water was almost so still
it looked like liquid metal
so clean and clear and what little wave there was, it was slow moving
hence the appearance of liquid metal
who couldn't resist on skipping a rock
you look and search for that perfect rock
round, oval is best, maybe with a little bit of a hook, so you can wrap your finger around it for good spin
nice and flat is good too
you want a decent size, with a good weight
finally! you find a good one and now, it's all up to you kid
do you got it in you?
you lean over sideways and try to whip it as close and best as you can to the surface of the water
ah plunk!
messed it up.
what a waste of a good rock!
so you fine another
oh yeah..
you see that one?
that one skipped at least 7 or 8 times
yeahh, that was a good one
such satisfaction
try to do better than the last one
okay here goes
ah dammit.
try again
Oooh yyeahhhh! did you see that?!!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

scooby doo, where are you?

I'm searching and looking for something.
Once I find it, I'll let you know.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

as the snow silently falls.............

I seriously am starting to think that it doesn't stop and we're reverting back to the ice age!
But at the same time it can be so pretty and DDDang woman! I wanna be snowboarding right now!