Thursday, November 19, 2009

Built to Still | Commodore Van. Nov18th 2thousand9

Disco Doom a band from switzerland I believe, they were an opening band for Built to Spill... A shy presence on stage, but man do they know how to rock it!
At first they were having some problems with the sounds. i thought to myself that the levels were totally off, but they seem like they could be a really good band, if maybe they had a good sound tech and fix the distortion that was happening. the bass levels were way too high and there was a strange buzz that was also going on. Well, thankfully they noticed, because they paused after the second song and apologized to the audience, while they figured it out. AAANnnd then! suddenly, they were SO good! So much better. It was amazing! Their songs had lots of built up and good changes! They were pretty tight and had some good charged up energy going. I am definitely going to check them out.

So Now Built to spill is up....YAY!!
And I say, they are the most fantastic band to ever see live! I have seen these guys probably six times and their shows are remarkable. The dynamic of these musicians is phenomenal. They are truly amazing. It fucking blows my mind! I love their music and albums, but hearing them live is such a different experience. They are a band that constantly surprise me! Every every time!
They play familiar songs from their albums, but they play them differently each show. It's sometimes subtle, like skipping a beat (which i think is clever) or accenting on a different note or word. It keeps you on track and is quite brilliant. It's like they trick you and see if your listening and paying attention. Very very genuis!!!
I think it shows how good of a musician and performer you are when you can give your audience the feeling of an original experience. To play something that we all know and hear on the albums, and to switch it up. It's very creative and impressive. If I wanted to listen to their album and sing along verbatim, well, i could just be sitting at home. I guess what I'm trying to say is that they don't do this and this is why I appreciate and thoroughly enjoy what they do.
The first time I saw them live, I thought THREE guitarists and a bassist, and drums....THREEEEE guitarists!? It' going to be too much, too loud and muddled. Aww but no. Not in anyway. These three guitarists, have three different styles, but they meld together so well! It's wonderful!! The layers created in the music fucking rattles my brain! Each guitarists had their turn in having a solo, and watching each one... AAhh fucking amazing!
I can't believe the talent in this one room! The complexity and variety of music they play makes me laugh at how witty and intriguing they are. It makes me want to scream out how brilliant they individually are, smile and scream and dance!! And that I did! Now that is a good show!

Built to Spill, you are one of my top bands of all time to see live. I can't wait until next time!
And Brett NeTson, you blow my fucking mind! Great guitarist!

So that is it for my stint of concerts for a little while. Until something pops up. Next concert... City and COLOUR!!! Yeah! ... But not until February.

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