Tuesday, May 5, 2009

sleeping in tuesday morning

today is my day off and this is my day to sleep in
but i can't
i lye there listening to all the sounds of the morning rituals of others.
everyone in my building getting ready for work,
the showers going, the clanging and banging of things, the smell of coffee lingering through the halls and seeping through my door.
my cat is now hungry.
meeeeoooow... merow. merooooww.....
i feed him and open my window to let him out and immediately crawl back into bed.
if i do it quick enough I can pretend i never got out of my warm nestle.
I'm sleeping in dammit.
but i continue to lye there
and now there's a whole world of happenings to be heard of the outdoors.
the rattling of a rickitty shopping cart being wheeled down the street. a bottle collector, that either gets up really early to scope those garbage bins or has been walking the streets all night.
The birds begin to chirp. singing their morning song.
Conversations of people walking by, getting into their cars..
here comes the garbage truck.
Beep beep beep beep......
ah screw it, time to get up.
now it's stone dead quite.

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