Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Fill my ears

wowie, it's been a while since i've been here in blogo land....

it's funny how your life can change so quickly sometimes....just a thought

a good friend is leaving me once again and it makes me feel sad and i'm going to miss her so much.
but on a promising note i have many exciting things and distractions coming up my way....
hopefully a wonderful friend will come visit. do a little fly by.... huh huh mr tony.
another good friend is coming home after an adventure of living in the yukon for a year.
another friend that i love greatly and dearly is coming for a visit with her little one in november.
AND... concerts!!!!

September 25th - Holy Fuck at the Venue
October 7th - elliott brood at the Biltmore
October 25th - Shonen Knife (some crazy japanese band that a good friend likes... should be fun)
October 28th - U2 360 tour ( a friend won these at a roller derby!)
November 3rd - Metric at the Orpheum (Yay!! love love these guys, one of my most favourite bands!)
November 10th - Dinosaur jr at the commodore ballroom (my friends most favourite band and shit they're LOUD)
November 18th - Built to spill ( another of my fav bands! F'ing good live band)

.... and that's about it... for now. Super excited!
Couple weeks ago also saw Silversun pickups at the Commodore. Great show!
stay tune for reviews!
and always wear your ear plugs kids, if you want to continue to hear great music until you're old...

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