Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Rural Alberta Advantage

i saw these guys open for City and Colour back in feb 2010
and i enjoyed them so much, i've become a big fan.
I've just recently saw them play at the Biltmore on saturday night
and they were truly wonderful.
There are three of them.
They were full of energy and a vibrant life force for ears.
I loved that fact that the lead guy and the girl played a couple different instruments.
It kept it interesting to watch.
There were two keyboards, a variety of percussion instruments, shakers,
the girl also occasionally played a low tom and a glockenspiel
the drummer is quiet good as well.
I do enjoy his drumming style.
I was inspired and impressed that three people could produce such passionate full rich music.
it was great to watch.
Great Canadian band.
Check them out if you like
The Rural Alberta Advantage
Here's two of my favourite songs

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