Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Double fucking rainbow people..

Today was such a perfect day.
I say that there wasn't anything in particular that made it super great,
I mean, in a way, like i didn't win the lottery or anything.
it was just all a filing of a sequence of events that made me smile.
It was great!

Today on the way to work,
it was a cold day.
A very cold day for vancouver.
But a sunny day.
After a few days of dreary,
i'm walking to work and i happen to look up to see,
my beautiful mountains all fresh and crisp,
dusted with snow.
It looks amazing.
It made me smile.
It put a chuckle in my throat,
and a spring into my step.

I begin to think about all the seasons.
The days when you can't even see the mountains at all,
to the days when you look up and suddenly they're full of luscious green
or white.
What a beautiful city i live in.

Then after a day of work...
a night of play.
Full of music,
and friends
and tons of laughter,
that always,
fills my soul.
I feel lucky.
Very lucky and full of life
and smiles all around.
Thank you.
Double Fucking rainbow people...
Double Fucking rainbow......

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