Sunday, November 14, 2010

making band practice with just your..iphone?

So i've just recently come into knowledge of this application for your iphone.
i don't have an iphone.
I know, so uncool..
well i guess i always knew that there were a few applications like this out there.
but i guess what i'm trying to say is that i didn't realize how crazy good they are.
technology advancements and electronics, it amazes me sometimes...
although, i'm still waiting for my hover skateboard, like in back to the future II
and well, teleportation of course.
be anywhere, in an instant.
I say. Awesome.
Funnily enough, i'd probably still always be five minutes late.
But anyways i digress.
Back to this instrument/ guitar application on iphone.
there are people that seem to be able to play them pretty well.
they sound pretty fricking good, for a fake, computerized instrument.
AND on your fricking phone none the less!
Holy crap!
It makes me want to go out there and build a band, solely playing with phone apps.
I guess, if i had an iphone.
and maybe knew at least 3 other people that had one too....
and, yeah well....
Haha, how funny would that be?
I know it's kinda already been done, thus the video posted (below)
but , wow, crazy hilariousness
The world and where it's going...i guess.
Geez louise
My mind was just frickin' blown!
Well kinda, sorta, maybe...
just a little bit, totally.
but not that much.
But still kinda funny.

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