Friday, November 19, 2010

local art

Today i went to a craft show called the Make it Vancouver.
It featured many cool and interesting items from local artists,
from jewelry, art, clothing,
pretty much a good variety and range of things.
I like going to stuff like that,
seeing new things and what people are creating.
I also like to support the local artists.
if i were to buy something, it's nice to know it original and it's going to the little guy.

At the show there were two in particular tables i did enjoy their work very much.
Lala Terrariums.
She arranged intriguing looking succulent plants in very cool interesting glass containers.
They were very well done

The other Artist that grabbed my attention was
Patrick Markle.
He is a local artist, that from my perspective, is very influenced by Lawren Harris.
Who is my favourite of the Group of Seven,
and maybe perhaps that is why i his work so much.
Like Harris, his paintings carry the same fluidity of brush strokes, the use of blue tones and the mountain landscapes.
Here's a few of his pieces

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