Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The National "Mr November" @ the Orpheum

So good! Grreat great show! Drummer is awesome! They are all fantastic! So glad I got to see them! New big fan, I am!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Elliott BROOD Vancouver Commodore Nov 9th 2011

Yay! Elliott Brood Rocks! When they played this song, I was so happy! Go UKE!! For a three piece they sure get the room screaming and stomping! Amazing happiness, and good fun!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pisces Dream - play that tune

Pisces Dream = 2 pisces, 1 gemini, a singer, a guitar, a uke bass, a uke and some drums... sounds like a good receipe!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Perth - Bon Iver

newest song that's haunting me right now. Can't stop listening to it.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Banksy? Vancouver, BC July 2011

I was walking over to a friend's house one day and saw this on the side of a building.
Immediately I thought Banksy.
It's just very much his style.
But I don't know, i could be wrong.
But, if i'm not...
that is super cool!
I just had a Banksy siting!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

thank you

There are moments in my life that i just feel supreme happiness.
It makes me realize that i am truly happy with my life.
I love the people i know,
and people i meet and the conversations that we have.
life is a constant wheel in motion of living, learning and experience.
and i love it.
no matter how small the experience, it can make grand impact,
and it really effects the person you are
and i love that.
there is no other place i want to be,
and i am SO grateful for everything and everyone I know.
I feel so fortunate, it only excites me for more to come in my life.
I don't know what i did to deserve this,
but thank you.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Morning theme song | May 26th 2011

The strokes new album released in March 2011.
With their new album, i thought it would be just they same generic strokes sound.
don't get me wrong, i really like them.. but it's just what i thought.. "new album, huh"
But i actually got around to listening it and i really like it. way to go guys.
And now it's creeped it way into my subconscious and made it my morning theme song for today.
Sure i'll take that one, it's better than waking up with bon jovi in my head.
oh, john bon, how'd you get there?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

This Will Destroy You - I Believe In Your Victory

This will Destroy you is at the Media Club tonight.
Right on. I'm looking forward to it.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

OW! my tooth hurts!!

Why do teeth have to hurt?!
A few weeks ago, the dentist tells me that i have a small cavity and needs to take out a filling, fix the cavity and put in a new filling. It's going to be a little sensitive for a couple days, she says.
Today, i wake up and OOOwwwww F'ning bloody hell! #@%$^&
It hurts! i can't even clench my teeth together. How the hell am i to chew?
Everything, as always seems fine and dandy, until the dentist starts poking around.. and now look at me.

Friday, May 20, 2011

a list of a few of my most favourite things..

don't know what made me think to start such a list, I guess i was feeling curious of what sparks me, well here goes..

falling asleep listening to it rain outside my window
coffee...(sometimes, only when it makes me crazy and hyper and not sick and pukey)
my dog
my cat
my ukulele(s)
when a movie or show or book has made me cry
being with my friends
laughing so hard it hurts
seeing and/or hearing something smart, clever, funny, witty, creative and/or inspiring
realizing that I've just been or done something smart, clever, funny, witty, creative and/or inspiring
squash (playing it that is.. well i do like the vegetable too, but not as much as playing the game)
music (everything about it.. creating it, listening to it, performing on stage, seeing it)
the smell of jasmine
apple pie
going to a concert
roller coasters
striped socks
being creative, creating
fixing things/taking things apart if they're broken/building things
taking a nap in the grass with the sun in my face
small things
toys and gadgets
the mountains
.... hmmm well that is all that i can think of for now. I'm sure there are more, but seeing as that maybe if they didn't pop up on the top of my thoughts, then maybe they quite don't make the cut for most favourite.. this could possibly be con't....

Thursday, May 19, 2011

time has wings

Wow, I just realized that i've been blogging for three years now. Hmph. Time sure flies.

Friday, May 13, 2011

cariboo beer

I went to the Eco show today and i learned that Cariboo Beer... a local micro brewery, plants a tree for every box they sell. I thought "that is pretty cool. i like that"

just let it go...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

this is the life - amy macdonald cover

This the band i play in, Pisces Dream and we do this cover with a ukulele, a uke bass and guitar. It's a lot of fun, and my chance to get out from behind the drums and play out front with my band mates. Always a good time!

Saturday, April 23, 2011


new photo of mine.
It really turned out well.
I really like the texture on the wall, the lighting and the angles.
One of those photos that's dramatic and feels like there's a story.

Monday, April 18, 2011

what makes you, you

I've been doing a lot of thinking, lately..
today I was down at the beach, looking out at the water and mountains.
the sun is warm and beaming on my face.
there's a nice breeze, a little cool
but it's fresh, and clear
I liked it
it was a good balance

I came to the realization that i take so many things for granted.
all my life i've been slow,
and what i mean by that, is when something has finally
become clear to me... a lot of times it's too late.
how did i forget to appreciate all these things and people around that make up my world,
my life
my happiness.
Sometimes in life we feel like we're walking in a tunnel,
we get up and do our usual things,
we become to expect that certain things will be here and there and
we keep forging through so that we can get to the better and brighter, "clearer"
end of the tunnel.
but maybe if we looked around and lose the tunnel vision,
we would see everything around us.
This beautiful day
the sun in my face
this cool breeze blowing my hair,
my funny dog digging in the sand
this beautiful city i live in with mountains
and an ocean and views that fill me up with excitement of many possiblities.
my friends that love love
my friends that are all different but wonderful and funny and creative and smart and strong.
my friends, all with different amazing opinions and qualities that i can learn from them,
even if i don't agree with them.
Oh how they can make me laugh and smile
I appreciate my music
what i know, and what i learn everyday
and what i will know one day
My ukulele, can ALWAYS make me smile

And you know, i do worry
i worry all the frickin' time.
what is going to happen to me when i lose all, or any or even just one of these things?
that is my fear
to lose anything i hold dear
but what i think i need to do,
is to worry less about what is going to happen
and appreciate more what is happening now,
what's here,
not over there.
don't worry, i know i'll get there,
but don't miss everything in the process trying to get there.
That would make the journey pointless
everything in the middle, makes me who i am..
the sun in my face,
the wind in my hair,
my dog digging in the sand
the mountains
the ocean
my cat
my fantastic hilarious, talented, creative, smart and strong minded friends
my ukulele
my music
my everything and my everyone................

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

garage sales

A friend of mine, jaime keegan. she is my best friend and i think she is great and wonderful. she is in this video and i'm just proud of her. I thought i'd help spread it around.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Why is, or how is it that something that has always been there.
there for many years,
and suddenly it's awakened in you that this wonderful thing has been in your life all along.
Where the hell was i?
Why didn't i see?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

what would Pi sound like?

I saw this video today and i thought it was clever.
To display a sound for a number, we all know as Pi.
Crazy and brilliant.
check it out

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Night photography

This is super cool. Inspires me to want to learn how to take beautiful pictures like these, in the dark.
Night Photography: Finding Your Way In The Dark

Thursday, March 17, 2011

guitar tapping : erik mongrain

I just stumbled across this and i thought it was pretty cool.
Erik Mongrain : Guitar tapping

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

wave, transmissions, sound, vibration and design

Wow, this is crazy.
The picture quality isn't that great, but it's a video of a bunch of rice on a speaker.
The vibrations from the change of pitches create a variety of different designs.

Monday, January 10, 2011

More Ukesters

Here are some more of The Ukesters.
We performed Friday January 7th at Cafe Montmarte on Main st.
Great fun, great place, lots of wonderful people out to watch.
Thanks to Tiny Tim Overdrive for inviting us along.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Morning theme song that turned into ukulele morning theme song time

Well at first this began as a posting of a morning theme song,
but as i went to search for a sample on youtube to post, i found these videos that were pretty entertaining.
New Order... love them.
Listened to them in my teens.
And still listen to them now.
One of my favourite songs.. Age of consent was my morning theme song.
Which is great..because i like it.
As opposed to all the other random songs that end up being my morning theme songs in the past.
Like Katie Perry, Teenage Dream, that was my good morning song in my head a few days ago.
I know. I know...
But occasionally a good one gets in there.
So Here's my videos i found today.
Age of Consent - New Order
Radiohead covering Ceremony (another new order song and a great one. I thought, Radiohead did a good job. I like Radiohead)
and last but not least... This great video I stumbled upon,
It's Bizarre Love Triangle... another New Order song...
on Ukuleles!! Yay!!
This video totally made my day!

Oh yeah.. I forgot.. I did find these New Order Uke vids too and i think they deserve an honourable mention...haha cheers!