Saturday, May 21, 2011

OW! my tooth hurts!!

Why do teeth have to hurt?!
A few weeks ago, the dentist tells me that i have a small cavity and needs to take out a filling, fix the cavity and put in a new filling. It's going to be a little sensitive for a couple days, she says.
Today, i wake up and OOOwwwww F'ning bloody hell! #@%$^&
It hurts! i can't even clench my teeth together. How the hell am i to chew?
Everything, as always seems fine and dandy, until the dentist starts poking around.. and now look at me.


Jeremy Killian said...

Does your tooth still hurt as bad as before, a few months after your refilling treatment? Even though I never had cavities, everytime I see my friends complaining about them makes me totally queasy!

juice said...

Hey Jeremy. No, it actually stopped hurting after a few days. It was a long weekend, and my dentist was closed for 5 days. By the time the weekend was over, the pain stopped, but i had a cleaning appointment in a few weeks, so i told them about it then, and as it turned out i had to get a root canal!! Yikes! Boooo for me! Painful and big $$$. Damn teeth!!