Sunday, June 27, 2010

Goodbye flower lady

There's this house, not far from where i live,
where the front of the house is completely full of many types of flowers.
i used to walk by this house frequently for years, until my change of routine and job had posed otherwise.
this cute quaint little house, always had a small table set up in the driveway,
full of little jars and bottles filled with beautiful little bouquets of flowers from the garden.
on the table was a wooden box with a hole cut out of the top for a dollar donation, if you wished to take a bouquet.
I remember the first time i saw this, I thought to myself "how sweet is this? how often in this world and age do find that someone has put out little bouquets from their garden that they love, to share with others, and to trust people to leave money for donations"
It made me smile.
I bought a few bunches, gave them out to friends and people i worked with.
It really made my day.
After that, every spring, when the weather began to get nice and i would notice that everything was in bloom,
I would go by that house,
drop my loonie or toonie donations and grab flowers for my house.
And would continue to get flowers throughout the summer, whenever i was passing by.

Today, i'm a little sad.
It was a bright, warming sunny day and i'm on a walk with my dog.
i thought, "i will stop by and bring some flowers home."
When i got to the house,
the little table was out.
But no flowers.
Just a straw hat with a ribbon around it and a picture of an elderly lady, wearing that exact same hat with the ribbon
and below the picture it said 1920-2010.
This sweet old lady.
I didn't know her, but she put a smile and warmth in my heart with her flowers for many years.
Her flowers brighten my home, year after year.
I'm sad to know that she and it is gone.

Wherever she may be, i hope my little flower lady is happy and is in the biggest most wonderful beautiful garden ever.
Thank you for the many many years of sharing your beauty and warmth.

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