Sunday, May 30, 2010

5ft2 and eyes of blue

A met a friend from japan and her name is Akiko.
She plays the ukulele as well,
and very well.
She leaves to go back in a couple days,
but tonight she came by and we had a little ukulele jam session.
It was a lot of fun!
I probably could have played the ukulele all night.

Anyways, Akiko taught me a few things, and i hope she learned a few tricks from me too.
She taught me a song called five foot two, eyes of blue.
The happiest little blues song.
I love the ukulele, such a happy little instrument.

Here is two recordings of us playing.
I had a good night.
Have a safe trip back to Japan Akiko.
I will see you in September, don't forget your ukulele.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I had great wonderful detailed dreams last night
and many of them!
I'm not going to get into all the details of each and every one of them.
But all i'm going to say is that they were all full of creativity and being creative..
and taking a lot of pictures.

I dream quite often of taking the most amazing, blow your frickin' mind photos.
They're full of interesting angles and textures, explosive colours and intriguing buildings...
among with many other fantastic things that i can't believe my eyes are seeing.
sometimes the colours are so intense, so vivid and clear.
they are so bold, they are like colours i've never seen before.
sometimes in my dreams i see things that i want to take pictures of,
but the moment goes by so quickly the composition is lost,
or that i've forgotten my camera and it's so disappointing,
because all i wanted to do was just to capture it in my little photograph capture box.

I think i should get out there and take more photos.
Get that composition.
Get that different angle
that different view.

Monday, May 24, 2010

My palms are turning ORANGE?

So my palms are turning orange.
it's true, i know.
yesterday, i noticed that my one palm, actually my left palm was orange.
well, had spots of stained orange.
i thought i touched something or, i don't really know, just something.
It looked like faded henna
or something rusty that i've touched and now it's stained me.
but no.
i washed my hands and it's still there.
I washed my hands, fifty times through out the day
and it's still there.

A new day.

This morning i get to work and notice that now,
my right palm is now orange.
What the F?!
Again, I wash.
I scrub.
What the hell?

Now i know that if you eat too many carrots, you can get a tint of orange.
I heard that before
I've always thought it was a little bit of an urban legend,
but i've heard it.

But my problem is that i haven't been eating copious amounts of carrots.
I've been eating a lot of watermelon lately.. does that count?
So i google "palms turning orange"
and the many, many answers i get in return, is that, well clinically,
if you can say that.. I am ingesting too much beta carotene...
But like i said, i'm not ingesting those copious amounts of carrots.
so now i search watermelon...
and this is what i found...
a quote from a long statement of the many things that watermelon does and is...
it goes as such..
"Sweet, juicy watermelon is actually packed with some of the most important antioxidants in nature. Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamin C and a very good source of vitamin A, notably through its concentration of beta-carotene."

Well. I guess there you have it.
My palms are turning orange, because I've been eating watermelon everyday for the past two weeks.
Is this really true?
Who knew?
I guess, we will never really know whether this holds true or not.
because you and i both know,
that what you can learn on the internet is only hear say.
any schmo can post something on the internet... look at me as see speak...
it's only up to you to use your ole brain and decide what is usable valuable information that you can learn from and utilize it to make your own opinion.

All i know is that i have a tasty, mouth watering sweet sweet chunk of watermelon sitting in my fridge
and i want to eat it....
but IS IT turning my hands ORANGE!!!!???
OH! This self torture of my mind!!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

ticketmaster sucks my.....

You know i'm really starting to hate ticketmaster
I love going to concerts,
and unfortunately most of the time, ticketmaster is the only way to get your tickets.

I just bought four tickets for a show
these were the charges stated as follows...

TypeAdult Ticket 19+
Ticket PriceCA $32.50 x 4
Facility ChargeCA $1.50 x 4
Convenience ChargeCA $8.70 x 4

A Frickin' $8.70 convenience charge?!!!
For each ticket?

A few days later, i'm on ticketmaster again, i'm curious and for some reason, i don't know why but i run through 4 tickets for the same concert again.
The total for these tickets are $170.80
A whole $5.50 cheaper!
I'm enraged.
What the F?
It's not really the $5.50, that i'm cussing about it's the principle.
I email the customer support.
I just received their response.
This is what it says...

"Thanks for your email. It is our pleasure to assist you today.

Based on the information provided in your original email, we checked your purchase and see your total was $170.80 plus the processing fee of $5.50 for a total cost of $176.30.

We apologize for any inconvenience this misunderstanding may have caused you."

So on top of the taxes, that i, of course have to pay..
there is a convenience charge of almost $9 each,
and then on TOP of that there's a processing fee?!
What else?
Would you like to kick my dog and slap me in the face too, Ticketmaster?


Thursday, May 20, 2010

insPired puSh

I know that last post was bland
I was feeling deflated after a horrible jam
the person i was playing music with wasn't horrible
quite the opposite.
i guess, just myself was horrible
i know i'm not that horrible
it was an off night
but none the less, besides my own self disappointment
i had fun,
i learned something,
and i got inspired to push myself
to learn more
to do more
to practice more
and get awesome
that i'm happy about
because it's these moments that keep the fire burning,
hard and fierce.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

you really need to nurture your creativity or it can die
well not really die, because it's always within you,
but it definitely won't grow without the nurture
and i think it could possibly wane
even just a little.

comes from knowledge
and with knowledge,
comes some many possibilities of creation

i wish i was creative and knowledgeable
it will come
slow and easy
each day
just keep at it, with every little bit

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Friday, May 14, 2010

Too much plastic

Cool song for a serious problem

Out of sight
Out of mind
Doesn't mean the problem has gone away
And i don't mean just for plastics

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

morning theme song | may 12th 2thousand10

If I could grow wings I would do anything
Just to keep you with me
Can’t you see
If I could fly high I would give you the sky
Don’t you make that mistake
What does it take

these songs that wake up with my my head make me chuckle...oh, honeymoonsuite.
And what are they doing this video?
So bad 80's.
It's funny.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Jam and Jelly

Something in the air tonight
the soft breeze is a cozy swirl of a cool air with just the right combination of warm
and it smells like fruit, bubble gum and candy, with just a little bit of tart

Tonight was a great night for music.
Ahhh i miss this,
these moments when we're all on the same page,
every feeling
every note
every kick of the bass drum
every plink of the guitar string
and every pang of the bass guitar
A good and dear old friend and bandmate in for a night of jam.
this dynamic trio.
It wasn't always amazing
But it was always fun.
It's been over a year.
since the three of us have played together,
and it was, well,
I'm not going to lie to you...
I won't fill you up with cheesy metaphors detailing how incredible i feel right now,
being able to play like this again
it's like.. something in the air tonight...
amalgamation of electric warm fruit and bubble gum swirling like a mini tornado in the night..
phil colins.
..there's something in the air tonight......

Thursday, May 6, 2010

in the land of swirling dust

so here's a another dream i just have to record..

I'm at a hotel with a large group of people and my family. we are all about to leave to go to some dinner/banquet/party some sort of function. the function is at the Docks, not far from the hotel. When i say a hall down by the docks, i don't mean a sketchy, suspcious place down by the docks, i guess i just call it the docks referring it to how it is in toronto, or in many major cities where there it's nice and done up by the waterfront.

So everyone is starting to file out, getting in limos and cars to head over to the hall. As i come out of the hotel, i've just missed a ride with some of my family, the limo is pulling away. Some one, a hotel concierge tells me it will be a bit until the next limo, and suggests i drive. My mom and i get into my car and she is driving. we driving no longer than 5 minutes and i'm getting frustrated and wondering why is she driving my car, I think i know how to get to the function. So i tell her to pull over, so that i can drive. We proceed to drive along this dusty dirt road. The sand or dirt and dust flying around us is a reddish colour. On the right side of the road, it's just ends, it drops off and there are big ships, many freighters in the water. We continue to drive. The traffic now is picking up. There are motorists and old motorcycles that are passing by us, one with 5 passengers all stacked and piled on top of each other, like clowns on a motorbike. There are small trucks transporting cargo, all stacked high on their flatbeds. by the type of cars and people in the traffic, i begin to think to myself, "i'm not sure if i'm going in the right diretion anymore. we should have been at the hall by now. I think i must have missed a turn." I now realize that we must be going the wrong way and we're a bit lost.

We stop at the end of the road. Were now in a city. It looks like an old city. And when i say old city, i mean, everything looks like it made of stone and clay and sand. A city like Nazereth or Bethlaham with constant swirl of dust flying around you. The clothes on the people are old and dirty, dusty like a construction worker. A lady sees that my mom and I look lost. She can tell that we are not from the area. She herself is not from the area. She is a tourist, but knows the city a little bit. Enough to know that it's a dangerous city, especially, if you don't know how to speak the language and where you're going. I explain to her that we were supposed to be at some hall, in New york, by the Docks. She pulls out a map and explains to us how far we are. How we got this far, i'm surprised, because all we did was drive down this road and not for long and suddenly we are on the opposite side to of the city, in a whole new country. We are looking at the map and she is trying to find us the best route to get us where we want to be. But some of the roads are dangerous, and all the street names are in a different language. I've never heard this language before, it's like hebrew, greek, and east indian, all as one. She's pointing out on the map the streets i need to take. I find the names of the streets difficult to pronounce, none the less, to remember. She gives us the map and wishes us luck and walks away.

Now it is starting to get dark. I know we are close, we just have to go down one street turn left, down that street turn right and then down another to get us back on some road heading back towards new york. Somehow, now, we are travelling on foot. The car is gone. I don't know where's it's gone... it's a dream, things are always full of holes...

So we start walking. we are looking at all the different things in our surroundings. I can tell the the locals are looking at us and are saying something to each other. We stick out like a sore thumb and we look lost. Suddenly there is a bright light shining down on us. I look up and it's a massive, yellow metal transformer walking by. We scamper out of his way. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was so big and tall and shiney and bright. I thought it looked so cool. At that moment, i thought to myself, i should be taking pictures. I bet i could get some really unbelievable, incredible pictures. But then i realized that i have forgotten my camera. I couldn't believe it. Then i thought to ask my mom for her camera and she gives me her bag, but by the time i fumble through it and find her camera, the transformer is gone.

Now we are down by some water. Large rocks are all disshevled, there appears to be a boat loading cargo at the dock and in the darkness, i look over and see a huge statue in the water. It seems to me that this statue, by the size of it, is the monument that represents this poor city that we are in. It is a huge metal statue of bulls. Running of the bulls. Raging bulls.

We cross this little bridge and walk along on these rocks or disshelveled boulders to get a closer look, perhaps a picture. And as i looked over at the statue in the dark, behind it in the distance i see in the horizon the statue of liberty clear as day with a bright green glow of the city behind it. Right then, i realized that we've forgotten, what we were doing and should get back onto our mission back towards New york and the hall. So, we turn around, walk along the rocks back to the bridge and it's gone. We're stuck in the middle of the water on these rocks. Then one of the men on the boat, loading cargo hollars over " the bridge is retractable, you just have to wait until it comes out again" so we wait and no longer than a few minutes, out it retracts from the rocks, stretching across to the other side. We proceed to walk across the bridge to the other side.

And then it ends... from there is gets choppy. I go in and out of this dream, I'm not quite sure, or maybe i just don't remember anymore. I just thought i was such an interesting detailed dream, i felt like i wanted to record it down before i completely forgot. Unfortunately i am not eloquant enough to really depict what i saw and felt in my brain of dreams, but I thought if I put down on paper it would be enough for me to remember.