Tuesday, April 13, 2010


one of the few dreams i had last night/ this morning....

Two friends and myself go down to the beach. we walked down and we decided to go to the beach on the far end. obviously it was a little of a farther distance to get to, but we rarely went down to that one, so we thought we would check it out.

We get there and we are staring out at the water. the water leads to a cove or is looking across to the other side, kinda how we can look across and see North van. except, the view was unbelievable. And what i mean is that there are huge stone houses and buildings with big white pillars in the front. there were many buildings, perched or floating in the water that looked like the colosseum. it was truly unbelievable. many people around and animals are flying in the sky. At this point we were now in the water, near the entrance of the cove. A massive white feathery magnificent "bird" soars in and lands on the water just inside the cove beside one of the buildings that looks like a colosseum.

My friends and i look at each other in amazement and say "holy crap! we should come down to the side of the beach more often, it's crazy down here!"

Immediately after that moment, another huge white, feathery/furry beast turns his head and looks at us. In an instant it jumps up out of the water and lands in front of me. It is very close to me. very close. but it just sits there, perched in front of me. i don't know what to do. what does it want?

Then this beast bows his head down to me and says "climb on. lets go." So i begin to attempt to climb up onto his back. i'm trying to get my feet out of the water, stepping on his paws, trying to use them for leverage to get out. It felt like, well, have you ever tried to get back into a boat... kinda like that.

So finally i manage to get myself upon him, and like a rocket, he jumped out of the water and we soared into the sky. flying high and fast, as i held on tight around his neck.
I was riding on the back of the dog from the never ending story!
It was fun.
I really do have to go down to the other far end of the beach more often.


Unknown said...

Wow,your dream is like SF movie...!I wanna see and ride falkor in my dream,too :)
and I love your dream's photo.Did you make yourself??

juice said...

haha! yes! I did put the photo together myself.
What a crazy dream that was.
Most of my dreams are very detailed and usually fun.
Have you ever seen the movie The never ending story? That is where the flying dog Falkor came from! :)
I have a dog and he kinda looks like this, but much smaller.

Unknown said...

You have a gooood sense of photo!
I know Falkor and the song,but I don't know the story..It might be time to see that now :)
I wanna see your small Falkor♪

Unknown said...

falkor is great. i wish i could remember my dreams!
