Friday, April 30, 2010

A night at the Roxy

There is this horrible bar called the Roxy.
I used to pride myself in saying that I've never been there.
Like I said "used" to say.

I have a friend.
My best friend of thirty one years.
Oh god, really?
Well there, i said it, now you know,
I'm frickin' old and getting there.

We are out.
I should say, she is out.
Out on the town.
Away from the husband and the kid, and this mamma wants to dance!
How the Roxy came to fruition, i don't know,
but here we are.

As the girls danced, my other friend and i entertained ourselves with a photo shoot.
Who could out shoot.
These are a few of my products, working on shapes and textures.
well it was entertaining enough as everyone got their dance on.
In the end it was fun and worth it.
Oh those crazy full moons...

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