Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Morning theme song | May 26th 2011

The strokes new album released in March 2011.
With their new album, i thought it would be just they same generic strokes sound.
don't get me wrong, i really like them.. but it's just what i thought.. "new album, huh"
But i actually got around to listening it and i really like it. way to go guys.
And now it's creeped it way into my subconscious and made it my morning theme song for today.
Sure i'll take that one, it's better than waking up with bon jovi in my head.
oh, john bon, how'd you get there?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

This Will Destroy You - I Believe In Your Victory

This will Destroy you is at the Media Club tonight.
Right on. I'm looking forward to it.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

OW! my tooth hurts!!

Why do teeth have to hurt?!
A few weeks ago, the dentist tells me that i have a small cavity and needs to take out a filling, fix the cavity and put in a new filling. It's going to be a little sensitive for a couple days, she says.
Today, i wake up and OOOwwwww F'ning bloody hell! #@%$^&
It hurts! i can't even clench my teeth together. How the hell am i to chew?
Everything, as always seems fine and dandy, until the dentist starts poking around.. and now look at me.

Friday, May 20, 2011

a list of a few of my most favourite things..

don't know what made me think to start such a list, I guess i was feeling curious of what sparks me, well here goes..

falling asleep listening to it rain outside my window
coffee...(sometimes, only when it makes me crazy and hyper and not sick and pukey)
my dog
my cat
my ukulele(s)
when a movie or show or book has made me cry
being with my friends
laughing so hard it hurts
seeing and/or hearing something smart, clever, funny, witty, creative and/or inspiring
realizing that I've just been or done something smart, clever, funny, witty, creative and/or inspiring
squash (playing it that is.. well i do like the vegetable too, but not as much as playing the game)
music (everything about it.. creating it, listening to it, performing on stage, seeing it)
the smell of jasmine
apple pie
going to a concert
roller coasters
striped socks
being creative, creating
fixing things/taking things apart if they're broken/building things
taking a nap in the grass with the sun in my face
small things
toys and gadgets
the mountains
.... hmmm well that is all that i can think of for now. I'm sure there are more, but seeing as that maybe if they didn't pop up on the top of my thoughts, then maybe they quite don't make the cut for most favourite.. this could possibly be con't....

Thursday, May 19, 2011

time has wings

Wow, I just realized that i've been blogging for three years now. Hmph. Time sure flies.

Friday, May 13, 2011

cariboo beer

I went to the Eco show today and i learned that Cariboo Beer... a local micro brewery, plants a tree for every box they sell. I thought "that is pretty cool. i like that"

just let it go...