Saturday, August 30, 2008


Wow! did you know that pineapple is an anti inflammatory, encourages healing, helps treat bruises, sprains, helps reduce swelling, help relieve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, is an enzyme that helps break down proteins which promotes good digestion, Pineapple also destroys harmful bacteria in the stomach and intestines, it is high in vitamin C which helps the body from free radical damage, boosts the immune system, repair bodily tissue, metabolize fats and cholesterol, absorb iron, synthesize amino acids and collagen, decreases the severity of colds and infections, reduces the risk of gingivitis and periodontal disease, also increases the body's ability to fight invading bacteria and other toxins that contribute to gum disease, used in removing intestinal worms,prevents nausea (includes morning sickness and motion sickness), constipation, high blood pressure, bronchitis (alleviates inflammation of the bronchial tubes.), regulates the gland and found to be helpful in cases of goiter(enlargement of the thyroid gland), helps catarrh (secretions from mucous membranes)!!

Oh I almost forgot. Pinapples can wipe out fingerprints!! crazy!
Geez!! Who knew!?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Why? Who? What? When?

Topics at this evenings dinner.

space, galaxies, other worlds and ours, the greatness of it all. black holes being portals...transportation ports to other sides.
suns. universes. telescopes. astronauts going crazy after of the awakening of the great out there. how small we are.
computers. video games. our progression in science, the world, as a society. what will happen? is it progression or are we all too naive to see it as something else? to see what we will be giving up, will it be worth it? how many species or organisms live on this planet earth? what the hell are black hole anyways? invisible suits are now plausable, crazy! ...... these are just a few things just shortly touching only the brink of the conversation and where it lead to.... and NO, we were not smoking any pot!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I usually almost always get sick on rides....or just in general in the motion sickness department.

but I love rides! I loved going to canada's wonderland.

let's see all these indulgents and why perhaps i get sick.......

we had a taco,
a slice of pizza,
a pogo,
walked through the exhibition, which really is just one big ass infomercial
went on the wooden rollercoaster, awesome
the no likey
bought some popcorn
saw the super dog show... bojakk can do all that shit and then some!
race track...just for a races today...wah wah
went to the slots.... and straight for the bar.. sat at bar had a beer
played slots, only five bucks... didn't win anything
walked through the petting zoo.. animal thingy
watched rob go on some spinnie rides
took some pictures
went on a mini drop zone, hellivator thing, the anxiety going up was more exciting than the actually ride. the ride was over before i finished my swearing!
the corkscrew... took some video
played two, three games.... won nothing
went through a couple strange fun houses, house of mirrors, stuff like that
went on the mouse trap. love that ride! makes me giggle
bumper cars
chicken out on some spinnie speed racer ride, rob had to ride solo. didn't think the ole stomach would make it
bought some mini donuts..... time to leave
beagle... night cap a couple of beers and here i am.. just a little buzzing, my head in a little of a whirl, my stomach just a tisch nauscious ....but damn i had fun! wish that maybe i did the hellavator....but there is always next time!

good times. good times PNE!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

thom yorke - musical genuis

I still can't get radiohead out of my head!

Vancouver, bc August 19th 2008 at Thunderbird stadium

01. 15 Step (Thom, ‘We brought the weather with us.’)
02. There There (Thom ‘How do you like the rain? It’s ok, you’ll get used to it.’)
03. Morning Bell
04. All I Need
05. Where I End And You Begin (Thom, ‘Alright no one get hurt out there tonight’)
06. Talk Show Host
07. Nude (Thom addresses crowd surfers, ‘Take it easy guys! Its not fucking Rage Against The Machine.’)
08. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
09. The National Anthem
10. Bangers And Mash (Thom, ‘This is a nasty little song.’)
11. Faust Arp (during the middle of the song Thom tells a heckler, ‘Shut the fuck up, you’re not funny you just don’t get out much.’)
12. Videotape
13. Karma Police (Thom, ‘I think we are confused. This one is called Karma Police.’)
14. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
15. Just
16. Exit Music [For A Film] (someone yells out I love you Thom. Thom replies whilst singing, I love you too darling.’)
17. Bodysnatchers

Encore 1
18. House of Cards (Thom, ‘During this song you have to snog the person next to you.’)
19. Optimistic (Thom, ‘Ok we know its raining and that’s a bummer, but fuck it this is Optimistic.’)
20. You And Whose Army? (Thom, ‘That’s show business!’)
21. Planet Telex (Thom, ‘Thank you everybody.’)
22. Everything In Its Right Place

Encore 2
23. Reckoner (Thom, ‘Ok, this is for making you feel warm inside.’)
24. 2+2=5
25. Paranoid Android (Thom,’This is the last song and you the viewers get to choose. Idioteque or Paranoid Android?’)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Concerts! Love them. fill my eyes, my ears and my mind!

Top concerts I've seen thus far this year........

Metric at commodore ballroom. One of my ALL time favourite bands. Got up front, nice and close and jumped up and down with my hands in the air and with every single person in that room!

Radiohead at Thunderbird stadium. It was pissing rain, but it was SO good, it couldn't break the spirit of 22 thousand!

The Breeders at Richards on Richards. Damn this show was amazing! I like seeing shows at richards. great place, small, brick walls. I wasn't expecting much and actually was blown away on this one! Love those surprises. Those girls can still rock! mom jeans and all!

Built to spill at commodore ballroom. love those guys.

Cake at the Vogue theatre...paper lions were an opening act that rocked. i wish I caught a little bit more of their opening show

the Stars at commodore ballroom. just got into them this year...great time.

the Cure at GM place..... it was a random last minute opportunity to go and's the cure, enough said....felt 16 all over again.....oooh ouch, I'm old.

Bedouine soundclash at commodore ballroom. I saw them once before and Mike relm opened for them and he ROCKED the place. Love LOVED him, could have left after that and would have been a happy cat. bedouine, kinda sucked, but I still went again when they came back. Got tickets for a friend's birthday, she wanted to see them, and actually it was a great show. they must have gotten better and we danced all night!

Mike Relm at commodore ballroom. I would like to say that this was a great show. all the times i've seen him before have been great, I just wish I could say I remember this one.......... ehemm

Margaret cho at the Queen elizabeth theatre. now I know this isn't a concert, but it's a show I've seen this year and despite the fact that i managed to buy fake tickets we were lucky enough to still go see this show and we laughed our ASSES off!! Opening act LiamSullivan... hilarious!

Tokyo Police club at the Plaza. You can sorta tell that they're a new young group. But are still pretty good. Liked the light show.

The Virgins at commodore ballroom. Again another band that's pretty green, so not a very long set because they don't have that many songs. They were alright. Songs were done very different to the album.....hmm yeah, it was an okay show.

Tortoise at commodore ballroom. now I'm kinda pushing this to say this year, but if i'm talking about full circle from august last year to august now, i saw them last summer and DAMN! LOVE this band live!! Two drum kits! Two xylaphones! All the band members are interchangable on all the instruments! These guys are just great!!