Thursday, July 17, 2008

Peppy le peu!

Let me tell you getting skunked SUCKS! It's almost like getting PUNKED, but way, much way worse!
Now not only is it late and your dog smells, he's the kind of dog that sleeps with you. he's the kind that likes to bury himself deep into your covers.

so what now? i run to the grocery store. OH! THANK THE LORD for small miracles, i have 10 minutes before it closes at midnight! I'm dashing around the aisles, grab a 2 litre of 7up.... i heard that worked once. I'll give it a whirl. now where the hell is the tomato juice. i heard that works too. i really don't know if any of these things i've heard are true, but what the hell. maybe if i mash all these theories together, it may work! .... where the hell is the tomato juice?..... oh geez, i see a guy that works here. he takes me to the proper aisle. as i'm standing there a co worker of the guy that is helping me, shouts down the aisle to the guy.. "hey, do smell that?! Ewwwww it smells like skunk!!"
Yep, that's me.

I go to the cash. i'm standing there hoping no one will notice my acrid smell. .....hurry hurry hurry..... the cashier and chatting with some one, i don't even know what they're talking about....hurry hurry hurry.....Oh, now my turn. "that will be $4.89." ....oh crap! i don't have my wallet. of course not, because i was originally just walking the dog around the block for that last walk before bed.....digging in my pockets..... digging......digging......
OOOhh! five dollars! Perfect!

As i speed walk home with my juices and dog in tow. passing by people in the night. hearing comments as i pass, "honey do you smell that? i smell skunk"
Yes, that is me and my little beast. it is us. we are peppy les peu.

I get home douse the dog in everything and despite that fact that the dog kept trying to lick up all the tomato juice, well surprisingly enough, i think it worked!
Ahh but what is that smell? oooh maybe it didn't work. I still smell it. where is it coming from?
OH! I forgot, it's me too!!!
Well gad dammit!
off with the clothes and into a bag. damn and it's too late to do laundry in my building. arghhh. in the shower i go.
ahhh. clean.
now for the smell test on the dog........smells like oatmeal dog shampoo, tomato juice and 7up. but no skunk!
i just might be able to sleep tonight. I might be hungry in the morning, but skunk smelling free.

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