Saturday, November 29, 2008

new fav

my newest favourite song... and they're from Vancouber

Myriad Harbour - The New Pornographers

and the video is pretty cool too....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I likey!

Check out this artist.


Art is such an interesting thing.
to have an idea.
as random as it may be...
or not.
it is a vision.
and you created it
you make an idea, a thought, come true
to fruition and make it real!
real, into something you can see or hear or touch
and feel
is it not like magic?
i find it amazing

Friday, November 21, 2008


okay more bamboo stuff. what can't you make out of bamboo?
I have a t shirt made out of bamboo, i have a skateboard made of bamboo... and well i guess there's a hell of a lot more things you can make out of this resilient plant.
according to Wikipedia it is the fastest growing plant on this earth!
also when treated, bamboo forms to a very hard wood which is both lightweight and exceptionally durable.
bamboo is also used in chinese medicines to treat infections, it's a low calorie source of potassium, apparently a sweet wine is made from the young stalks tapped in rainy season, pickled bamboo is used as a condiment, but although many are edible, there is a Giant bamboo that contains cyanide!
Anyhoo... bamboo.
who knew?

the last night of your life

This is a friend of mine and i think he's super talented and hope you will check out his music.

slacks are for slackers

wow, i've totally been slackin' on the bloggin'.
it's bbbblog. it's bbblllog.
it's wonderful
it's fun
it's wood!

well more blog to come........

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Chop chop sticking

So in the past few years i had started bringing my own chopsticks whenever i go out for sushi. some friends shake their heads like i'm some nerd. but really, and seriously...
In China alone, 45 BILLION chopsticks are thrown out a year! 25 million trees are destroyed!! Would you not find it strange if you went out to a nice restaurant and for cutlery, you would get disposable plastic fork and knife? So why is it ok with chopsticks?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

cut me up a slice of that pie!

this is my new baby!
a Pork Pie ventilated little squealer snare.
a 20 ply maple shell with a satin/matte finish..... oh baby i can't wait to play